Offshore Wind Public Information Meetings
/The information meeting will be:
· Vineyard Haven - Monday, November 14, 5:00-7:00 p.m., at the Tisbury Senior Center, Council on Aging, 34 Pine Tree Road, Vineyard Haven
On November 14, representatives from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center will host a public information meeting in Vineyard Haven to present, answer questions, and discuss recent and upcoming planning and assessment activities related to future offshore wind projects in federal waters off Massachusetts.
Topics include an overview of the new energy diversity law and updates on: marine mammal and bird studies, Metocean data collection, geological surveys, and transmission planning. Representatives of the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will be in attendance. For more information on the offshore wind activities for Massachusetts, see the EEA website.
Richard Andre, President of Vineyard Power and development partner Erich Stephens, Vice President of Vineyard Wind (formerly OffshoreMW), have also been invited to provide a timely update on our progress.